E.ON loss prevention
“The loss prevention work is fully controlled by us, and can easily be shared with all stakeholders”, Martin Böös, Insurance Manager, E.ON Sverige AB.
Before E.ON implemented a system for loss prevention work, the facilities were barely involved in the process. At best, they received the final report, but there was hardly any dialogue about improvements. Instead, the report was used primarily for follow-up with external parties, such as insurers and brokers.
Below, Martin Böös, Insurance Manager at E.ON Nordic, describes how the work with loss prevention has been significantly streamlined with the help of iFACTS’ tools.
Martin has the primary contact with the various companies in E.ON Nordic, for all types of insurance, as well as claims management and loss prevention.
With the help of iFACTS, Martin manages the work with loss prevention, inspections and follow-ups.
In practice, various control questions have been defined, approx. 30, in the module Control program. Martin decides which facilities are to be inspected, and within what time intervals. The answers are reported in the iFACTS Control program module.
The unique thing is that those responsible can continuously work with non-conformities and recommendations in the facility module. The responsible are a network of insurance managers and safety coordinators, who are Martin’s contacts at the facilities.
Martin says: “We collect much, much more information today, and have received much better reports, better compilation of information and follow-up. The frequency of claims has decreased. But above all, the work has received a status increase outside the facility – significantly increase of structure & order. Everyone understands the importance of keeping high level of structure – there is a focus on this out in the organization. ”
Martin continues: “I also notice that the results of the inspections have gotten better and better every year since we started using iFACTS.”
“Now it is a continuous improvement work that creates a great commitment and gives direct results, not only in fewer claims but also in lower insurance premiums.”
E.ON Nordic produces and delivers energy to the Nordic market in the form of electricity, gas, heating, cooling and energy-related services to approximately one million customers. E.ON Nordic is part of the German E.ON Group, which is one of the world’s largest private energy companies, with establishments in Europe.
E.ON Sweden – Treasury & Insurance uses iFACTS to administer the loss prevention work since 2005.