
Self-assessment occurs in many areas, such as food handling, pharmaceuticals, health protection, agriculture and the construction industry. Examples of governing Swedish regulations:

Self-assessment is often based on the requirements originating from laws, supporting regulations and implementation advice. This can be an arrival check for food or pharmaceuticals, tasks to be performed, such as cleaning, hazard analysis prior to a work step or reporting a deviation or non-conformity.

• Livsmedelslag (2006:804) (Food Act)
• Arbetsmiljölag (1977:1160) (Work Environment Act)
• Miljöbalk (1998:808) (Environmental Code)
• Förordning om verksamhetsutövares egenkontroll (1998:901) (Ordinance on operators' self-control)
• SOSFS 2011:9 Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter ledningssystem för systematiskt kvalitetsarbete (The National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations management system for systematic quality work)
• Plan- och bygglag (2010:900) (Planning and Building Act)

Digitalize the work with Self-Assessments using iFACTS

iFACTS supports the work with self-assessment within the framework of the principles within ISO management systems. The basis is process orientation and asset management within which the various work steps are performed.
With a digital self-assessment system, a clear structure is created for tasks to be performed, how and when. iFACTS system support includes distribution and follow-up of performed tasks as well as any deviations with associated mitigating activities. Well-developed notification functionality for various roles, e.g. when registering a task or a task is unresolved and overdue.
Self-assessment is often based on the requirements originating from laws, supporting regulations and implementation advice. The goal is to ensure the fulfilment and compliance of operations.

Functionality in iFACTS that supports the work:

  • Policy, routines
  • Document management
  • Division of tasks, roles, responsibilities
  • Survey
  • Competence, education
  • Risk assessment, hazard analysis
  • Execution task, checklist
  • Deviation management
  • Measures
  • Incidents, incidents, reporting
  • Follow-up, control

iFACTS supports the work with self-assessments. Portals are created for the cohesive work, collaboration space for different groups, distribution of requirements and goals, deviation management, checklists, tasks, reports, follow-up, key figures and dashboards.


  • All steps gathered in one integrated workflow
  • All stakeholders, including external inspectors share the same data
  • Eliminate manual processes via Excel for increased efficiency, traceability and transparency
  • All stakeholders are involved in the process
  • Portals for quick overview
  • Easy start and early value creation
  • High degree of scalability and flexibility
  • Well-developed opportunity for integrations with other systems and data sources via standardized API

iFACTS has been a leading software solution in governance, risk and control since 1996. iFACTS software supports decision making based on relevant facts.


For more information and the possibility to book a demo, click here.


Vilhelm Kjellsson
Phone: +46768120211


Uppsala logotype Telia logotype Malmö Stad logotype